This LibGuide was developed by the PASCAL Discovery, Reference, and User Experience Working Group, with the support of ChatGPT, a language model created by OpenAI.
This libguide is free for any librarian to use. The purpose of this guide is to assist patrons of libraries using Primo VE as their discovery system. Patrons can use this guide as a quick reference or as a manual to read through top-to-bottom; instructors may also use this guide in their research curricula.
Please do not remove the credit statement in the LibGuide description, on the "Home" page, or on this page.
This template guide has been created in such a way that any PASCAL member library is able to copy it to their libguide instance and publish it without changes. Universal language is used throughout the guide, such as "library catalog", "institution", "institutional credentials", and so on.
However, please take time to read through the guide to ensure there is no conflicting or unnecessary information included for your patrons. Here are some areas that are recommended to review for your institution's policies and configurations:
You may choose to add a custom help page to this guide, or to add a link to your LibAnswers form or chatbox. Links to research and subject guides, as well as library staff contact information can be helpful to patrons as well.
For libraries outside of PASCAL looking to use this template, the Requesting Materials section should be heavily reviewed. It contains information specific to PASCAL's rapid print and digital delivery service, PASCAL Delivers. The Accessing the Catalog section should also be reviewed, as it is specific to PASCAL member institutions.
Be sure to hide this page before publishing your adjusted guide to your library website.
If you have comments, questions, or concerns regarding this guide, please submit a HelpDesk Ticket if you are a PASCAL member. Otherwise, please email Rachel Smith at
Follow these steps to copy this guide into your LibGuides system.
Otherwise, fill in the remaining details as you see fit, or leave them with the default values.