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SCALE - Textbooks

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Academic E-Books

PASCAL provides over 300,000 academic e-books to member libraries through three vendor platforms:

  • Ebook Central (ProQuest) - This growing collection contains over 250,000 scholarly titles across academic disciplines.
  • EBSCO Academic Collection - This growing subscription collection contains over 260,000 multidisciplinary titles representing a broad range of academic subjects.
  • Oxford UPSO Psychology - The UPSO Psychology collection provides perpetual access to 335 titles.

3D Human Anatomy & Physiology

PASCAL member libraries have perpetual access to 3D Human Anatomy & Physiology, a Primal Pictures product available through the STAT!Ref platform. This online resource covers all a student needs to know and learn for a 2 semester Anatomy & Physiology course.  The STAT!Ref platform  also provides additional resources including Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, MedCalc3000 and AAFP Conditions A-Z.

Licensed Databases

PASCAL provides access to the following databases for all member libraries.  In general, patrons access PASCAL Electronic Resources through their home institution’s library website. Check with your home library to find other resources available at your institution.

  • Academic Search Premier
  • Literature Resource Center
  • Institute of Physics Archives
  • Nature Archives (1950-2011)
  • Scientific American Archives (1948-2011)

Discus Resources

PASCAL collaborates with the DISCUS Program at the South Carolina State Library to expand electronic library content for all South Carolina citizens.  All DISCUS electronic resources and other offerings are available to every academic library in South Carolina. 
1122 Lady Street, Suite 400 | Columbia, SC 29201 | 803.734.0900 | | Support
The Statewide Electronic Library for Higher Education is coordinated by PASCAL, its members and other partners.
Funding is provided by the South Carolina General Assembly, PASCAL member libraries, and grants.
© 2022 Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries