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SCALE - Grants

Reporting and Sharing of Outcomes

All report materials described below should be sent to All grants are required to submit both a midway progress report and a final report, as described below.

Final report

All Grant recipients must submit a brief final report after their funded activity using PASCAL’s reporting template. All grants must file a final report within two months of the activity’s proposed completion date but no later than May 31, 2023.

The report should cover the following:

  • Stakeholders    
    • List all individuals or groups (including students, community members, etc.) that either contributed to or have been impacted by the funded activity.
  • Outcomes    
    • What projected outcomes were realized?
    • What projected outcomes were not realized, and why?
    • Describe any unexpected outcomes relevant to your activity, the SCALE Affordable Learning Grants program, or PASCAL in general.
  • Lessons learned    
    • If you failed to reach a goal set by your application or met other challenges, what lessons did you learn that might be useful for similar projects or other Grant applications?
  • What plans do you have for the further dissemination of the results/outcomes of the funded activity?
  • Project-related links
    • Links to any project outputs (websites, exhibits, data, other reports, etc.) or project-related links (e.g. websites that report on your project, reference it in some substantial way, etc.).
  • Please describe in detail the impact that this project has had on your institution.
    • Relevant information should include both qualitative and quantitative data if available. 
    • Additionally, describe your expectations for future impacts as a result of the ongoing implementation of this project, if applicable.
  • Advice for future applicants    
    • Do you have any observations about this activity/project that you think would be useful for future SCALE Affordable Learning Grants program applicants?
  • Collaboration
    • One or more examples of how you have engaged substantially with your institution’s leadership or governance structures (president, vice-president, provost, dean, faculty senate, high-level committee, etc.) as part of the activity or its follow-up, and the outcome of this encounter.

Progress report

For all SCALE Affordable Learning Grants, a progress report must be filed at the midpoint between the awarding of the grant and the project’s stated date of conclusion. This requirement is intended to provide PASCAL with a way to monitor the healthy progress of projects, and to facilitate assistance in cases where a project may be facing difficulties.

The progress report should be submitted  to Ellan Jenkinson ( in the form of a brief email (1-2 paragraphs) noting:

  • whether healthy progress is being made toward stated project goals
  • any issues that are blocking progress on the project; if so, please provide a new timeline

If problems are reported, PASCAL staff, with guidance from the Affordable Learning Committee, will try to suggest possible resources and strategies for resolving the issues.

Required sharing of project outcomes & deliverables

PASCAL reserves the right to make all output produced through projects funded by this grant, including but not limited to open textbooks, revised open textbooks, ancillary materials, and supplemental materials, available under a suitable Creative Commons license on the PASCAL website or any other website deemed appropriate. Grantees should take steps to ensure that any grant-funded materials produced will comply with all appropriate laws and regulations to include the Americans with Disabilities Act.

In addition to the special cases below, all formal communications (news and scholarly articles, books, websites, etc.) should provide an appropriate reference to recognize PASCAL’s support for the project. For non-English resources, at least a basic English description of the resource and contextual information about its significance should be provided.  All created content must have a CC BY Creative Commons license, this includes workshop presentations and promotional materials.


Digital collections/resources

For projects whose outcomes include a digital collection or resource, a link and brief description must be provided for PASCAL’s SCALE website. If the collection/resource is not publicly accessible, the link should be replaced by the name and a description of the project.


Course materials

Syllabi and other course materials produced with support from PASCAL should be made as widely available as possible:

  • All materials should be submitted to PASCAL to be made available to all PASCAL members
  • Materials should be shared with an open license (OA, OER with a Creative Commons license, etc.)


Research projects

Projects involving research must provide data or other results that can be usefully shared according to IRB or other relevant guidelines, in a form that can be easily and appropriately shared with other PASCAL members via the PASCAL SCALE website.

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The Statewide Electronic Library for Higher Education is coordinated by PASCAL, its members and other partners.
Funding is provided by the South Carolina General Assembly, PASCAL member libraries, and grants.
© 2022 Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries