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Training Working Group

Function: In coordination with the other working groups and committees: identifies training needs; develops an overall training strategy to ensure that staff are prepared to work within the Alma/Primo VE environment; and develops training materials, events, and programs related to implementation and continued use of shared systems and resources.

Expectations and Responsibilities: 

  • Coordinating development of training materials that reflect consortial policies, documentation, workflows, and trends revealed by support requests.
  • Planning and facilitating consortia-wide training events and programs.
  • Identifying and coordinating with staff at member institutions who will provide hands-on training.
  • Supporting staff who are providing training by developing training sessions, learning objects, and training materials.
  • Providing guidance on measuring effectiveness of instruction and assisting with continued development and improvement of training programs.

FY24-25 Working Group Members

Michele Ruth, Chair The Citadel At-Large 07/2024 - 06/2026
Maddie Compton Tri-County Technical College At-Large 07/2023 - 06/2025
Jean Thrift, Chair-Elect Furman University At-Large 01/2024 - 06/2026
Joni Addis Anderson University Access Services & Resource Sharing 07/2024 - 06/2025
Jan Daniel Greenville Technical College Cataloging & Metadata 07/2024 - 06/2025
Heather Gray Southern Wesleyan University Discovery, Reference, & End-User Experience 07/2024 - 06/2025
Amanda Perez Spartanburg Methodist College E-Resources & Acquisitions 07/2024 - 06/2025
Pamela King The Citadel Systems 07/2024 - 06/2025
Ellan Jenkinson PASCAL   Ex Officio
Aaron Wimer The Citadel SLSP Steering Committee Liaison Ex Officio
The Statewide Electronic Library for Higher Education is coordinated by PASCAL, its members and other partners. Funding is provided by the South Carolina General Assembly, PASCAL member libraries, and grants.
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