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Shared Systems

January 8, 2025 - Contract Award for Shared Library Services Platform

The State Procurement office has announced that, effective January 8, 2025, ExLibris USA, Inc. has been awarded a second contract as the provider of our Shared Library Service Platform. The solicitation may be viewed here:

For questions regarding the Shared Library Services Platform and re-enrollment please contact Rick Moul or Dianne Schaefer.

Learn more about the Shared Library Services Platform

Shared Library Service Platform Re-Enrollment Now Open

In order to use the ExLibris system beyond August 31, 2025, institutions must re-enroll in the program.

To continue participation in the Shared Library Services Platform (SLSP) program, an addendum to the Shared LSP Principles of Agreement (2018) must be signed and returned by March 21, 2025.

Re-enrollment packets have been emailed to Library Deans/Directors. The packets include the Addendum to the Shared LSP Principles of Agreement and key information to assist with re-enrollment.

For questions regarding the SLSP program or the re-enrollment process, please contact Rick Moul, or Dianne Schaefer.

Providing Critical Infrastructure for Discovery and Access

PASCAL provides mission-critical technology resources for fifty-five member libraries, including:


  • Shared library services platform that allows libraries to manage physical and electronic collections with functions including circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials control, course reserves, and analytics (Ex Libris Alma)
  • Discovery interface providing a simple, single search box (Ex Libris Primo)
  • Shared union catalog of the holdings of all PASCAL Connects libraries
  • Resource sharing functionality for consortial borrowing of print items and a developing service providing digital access to print and electronic resources held in academic library collections around South Carolina

In 2020, fifty-five PASCAL libraries successfully migrated to a shared library services platform, replacing a variety of older systems with the Ex Libris Alma system and Primo VE discovery solution. The shared platform provides participating libraries with an online discovery interface for their own collections and a shared union catalog of the holdings of all PASCAL Connects libraries. The shared Alma and Primo VE platform supports resource sharing among participating libraries as well as library collection management functions including circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials control, course reserves and analytics. This statewide, next generation platform expands collaborative efforts among PASCAL libraries and supports key elements of PASCAL’s strategic agenda.

Funding for PASCAL Connects has been provided by the South Carolina General Assembly and member libraries. The shared platform provides cost savings for PASCAL and all member libraries.

Technology Support

PASCAL staff support all institutions in the use of the systems. Given the variation in the institutions and level of in-house expertise, PASCAL developed a tiered support structure. PASCAL offers comprehensive system support to fifteen member libraries, while extending varying degrees of support to an additional twenty-four member libraries depending on their needs and staffing. Fourteen libraries primarily manage their own systems, with PASCAL staff providing consultation as needed.

OpenAthens Single Sign-On Solution

Seamless, secure access to academic resources both on and off campus.

OpenAthens is an authentication and access management platform that enables seamless, secure access to library databases and resources anytime, anywhere via single sign-on (SSO). PASCAL procured OpenAthens for member libraries on an opt-in basis in order to establish single sign-on service for Alma, Primo VE, and electronic resources. Forty-six PASCAL member libraries have implemented OpenAthens with support from PASCAL staff.

The Statewide Electronic Library for Higher Education is coordinated by PASCAL, its members and other partners. Funding is provided by the South Carolina General Assembly, PASCAL member libraries, and grants.
© 2023 Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries