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Shared Systems

Implementation & Management Team

Committee Documents (login required)

FY24-25 Team Members

Name Institution Term
Dianne Schaefer, Chair PASCAL Shared Library Services Platform Coordinator
Brady Cross Tri-County Technical College Access Services & Resource Sharing
Alyssa Nance Furman University Cataloging & Metadata
Karen Brown USC Columbia Discovery, Reference, & End-User Experience
Michelle Colquitt Clemson University E-Resources & Acquisitions
Delaina Zeinoun Charleston Southern University Systems
Michele Ruth The Citadel Training
Rachel Smith PASCAL Ex Officio
Susan Wynne PASCAL Ex Officio
Chris Vinson Clemson University Ex Officio, SLSP Steering Committee Liaison

Shared LSP Collaborative Management

Role & Responsibilities of the Implementation & Management Team


The Implementation & Management Team is a standing committee that coordinates the six SLSP Working Groups and collaborates with the Library Representatives to accomplish their goals. The SLSP Implementation & Management Team ensures that policies, procedures, workflows, and other specifications are created with input from all appropriate stakeholders and will review all conflicts from the Working Groups. The SLSP Coordinator will seek to resolve the conflict and, if necessary, coordinate with the SLSP Steering Committee for final resolution. The Implementation and Management Team reports to the SLSP Steering Committee, meeting with them on a regular basis and requesting guidance and support as necessary.

Structure and Roles

  • Made up of the six chairs of the SLSP Working Groups and the SLSP Coordinator plus PASCAL Shared Systems Librarians.
  • The PASCAL SLSP Coordinator serves as the chair. 
  • Each Working Group chair-elect is strongly encouraged to attend the Team meetings in a fully participatory manner.
  • Team members do not represent their institution but rather use their background and experience to inform the Team's efforts to work for the good of the entire PASCAL membership.
  • The work of the SLSP Implementation & Management Team should be adjusted by their institution so that consortial work is not seen as “extra”, “volunteer”, or “as time allows”, but rather an important formal assignment.


  • To serve on the SLSP Implementation & Management Team you must be the chair of an SLSP Working Group.
  • Each team member and their library dean/director or appropriate University administrator will be asked to review the responsibilities and expectations for the Implementation & Management Team outlined in this document and confirm their commitment to serve via email.  

Expectations and Responsibilities

  • Coordinate and schedule appropriate timelines, standardized review periods, and clear due dates for policies and procedures.
  • Develop standards and templates for Working Groups to use in the creation of a training manual.
  • Review all conflicts from the Working Groups. The SLSP Coordinator will seek to resolve the conflict and, if necessary, coordinate with the SLSP Steering Committee for final resolution.
  • In consultation with PASCAL staff, coordinate, schedule, and track vendor training for the SLSP.
  • Coordinate with vendors to communicate information about new releases, new documentation, and process/workflow changes to Library Representatives.
  • Create and disseminate a regular meeting schedule (meet at least monthly, either virtually or face-to-face). Ensure that minutes of the meetings are distributed via appropriate communication channels. 
  • Ensure timely and effective communication related to the progress of the SLSP’s implementation and ongoing management to PASCAL members and to the Steering Committee. 

If a member of the Implementation & Management Team is also a Library Representative they will need to understand that as a member of the Team, they will be representing the SLSP first and their institution second. However, when they are doing the work of the Representative, they are doing so with their institution’s best interests in mind.

Communication Methods

Members of the Implementation & Management Team will participate in relevant SLSP communication channels such as email, listservs, webinars, surveys, workshops, etc. Communication is vital to the success of the Team, and the expectations for communication are outlined below:

  • Coordinate with vendors to communicate information about SLSP implementation, management, training, new releases, new documentation, and process/workflow changes to PASCAL members.
  • Communicate regularly with the Working Groups, Steering Committee, and Library

Representatives on specific issues related to the implementation and management of the SLSP.

  • Communicate any unresolved conflicts from the Working Group(s) and/or Library Representatives to the SLSP Steering Committee for resolution.
  • Communicate any decisions made by the SLSP Steering Committee to the relevant Working Group(s) and Library Representatives as appropriate.
  • Provide updates as appropriate at PASCAL meetings.
  • Post meeting minutes to the PASCAL website and distribute them to all stakeholders.

Decision Making

The SLSP Implementation & Management Team will ensure policies, procedures, workflows, and other specifications are created with input from all appropriate stakeholders. The Team will review real and potential conflicts and the SLSP Coordinator will seek to resolve them and, if necessary, coordinate with the SLSP Steering Committee for final resolution. The Implementation and Management Team will communicate any decisions made by SLSP Steering Committee to the relevant Working Group(s) and Library Representatives as appropriate.


Implementation & Management Team members will attend in-person and/or online training with the SLSP Coordinator, as appropriate. Training will convey responsibilities, expectations, workflows, decision-making parameters, and any relevant communication methods such as listservs, conferencing software, etc.


This document is subject to review and change. Revisions of the document will be distributed to PASCAL member libraries through established communication channels.

Last updated May 3, 2024.

The Statewide Electronic Library for Higher Education is coordinated by PASCAL, its members and other partners. Funding is provided by the South Carolina General Assembly, PASCAL member libraries, and grants.
© 2023 Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries